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News | Flysurfer Kiteboarding New


Latest reports about FLYSURFER

Olly Bridge KOTA 2019 entry video

Olly Bridge KOTA 2019 entry video

Do you want to see what is possible on a FLYSURFER Kiteboarding foilkite during the Red Bull King of the Air 2019?🚀 Then PLEASE help Olly Bridge to be selected as nominee by VOTING for Olly his video on the Red Bull KOTA video entry website: Facebook...

PEAK4 … adventure awaits

PEAK4 … adventure awaits

Get ready for the winter season! FLYSURFER presents its latest Touring must haves: the brand new PEAK4 and CONNECT Control Bar. Our single-skin foilkite concept combines our passion for usability and security that will make your outdoor kite experience...

Barra Bliss

Drums please... A sick new movie edit just dropped! Check out FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij showing the versatility of our all-new closed cell foilkite, the SOUL in the lagoons at Barra Nova, Brazil.

Flying over Thailand

FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij had a brilliant time in Thailand earlier this year. Check his new video edit, including freestyle moves on his Levitaz cruizer foil!

FLYSURFER athletes charging 20m+ airs in the Storm Ali

Fall has arrived, and the anxiety build up for some proper wind under kiteboarders was high, check out this short clip of FLYSURFER Kiteboarding riders Guy Bridge, Olly Bridge and Dylan van der Meij, charging some 20m+ airs and making the...

Bonaire Transitions Tutorial

Bonaire Transitions Tutorial

https://vimeo.com/287627908 FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij, takes us with him for a small how-to tutorial clip on transitions, text instructions below! Backroll handdrag: Come into the trick with proper speed and your kite high. Kick up your board...

Marcha Imperial

FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Matias Lee ripping it up around Brazil, visiting Atins, Jericoacoara & Cumbuco. Check out ninja Mati his unique video edit, share the stoke!

Fabulous Fuerteventura

Impression from a 1 week kitesurf trip to Fuerteventura - small but clean waves and strong wind every day. Alina Shalin slashing waves apart on our FLYSURFER Kiteboarding BOOST3. Special thanks to Adam Sims for the awesome video! Make your...

FLYDOOR6 … keep going

Your next session is guaranteed! We introduce the FLYDOOR6, the perfect kiteboard for summer breezes. Six reasons why DOORS should not be touched, but ridden! Maximize your time on the water with 159cm of effortless...


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