Welcome Fall ’16 – SPEED5 Big-Airs!

After a prolonged summer in the northern hemisphere, fall is coming.. and so are the storms! Here FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij goes out for a bigair session on his SPEED5 9.0m for some serious oldschool boosting!...

Kite Land Board @ Beauduc

French FLYSURFER rider Laurent “Lolo BSD” Guyot shares some great KiteLandBoard freeride freestyle action on his FLYSURFER Kiteboarding SPEED5 18.0m on the wide and hard beaches of Beauduc, France. For more information check out: lolobsd.com or...

FlyFisch goes Talamone – Drone Foiling

Watch out for this amazing piece of cinematography with FLYSURFER rider Fly Fisch, in his freestyle foiling element on the all-new SONIC2 18.0m in scenic Talamone, IT!...

Sunset Kiteloops

Polish FLYSURFER rider Arek sent us in this great video, which we had to share. “This was one of the most enjoyable days this summer. Despite the lack of wind for big kiteloops, it turned out to be a great mild-looping session with astonishing scenery.” Kite...

Sundowner in Mirrorland

Amazing lightwind sundown session on butter smooth glass water by Clemens with his FLYSURFER Kiteboarding SONIC-FR 18.0m kite and RADICAL5 134cm kiteboard, here at FLYSURFER Kiteboarding we love these light Flysurfer winds. Enjoy summer!...