Jul 20, 2017 | Athletes, Events
A total new racing format was launched officially this year, TwinTip Racing or TT:R, stands for high action paced downwind slalom racing, the format that will be used in the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in Argentina next year. Which creates a great spectacle for crowds...
May 25, 2017 | Events, Kites
Our FLYSURFER crew & FLYSURFER UK agent Maxtrack were down in Exmouth this weekend for the EDGE Race Cup – this is the 2017 British Hydrofoil Racing National Championships and the only major race event in the UK calendar. There were more entries for than before...
Jan 18, 2017 | Events, Video
FLYSURFER Kiteboarding is stoked to win the IKSURFMAG Reader Awards – Best Kitesurfing Video of 2016! IKSURFMAG writes: “The Best Video Award seems to get bigger every year, this year we had a record number of nominations from the judges; with so much more...
Nov 17, 2016 | Athletes, Events
At the end of October the last and final IKA Kiteboarding World Championship tour stop took place on the Italian Island „Sardinia“. It´s the most important event of the year since the world champions in freestyle and big-air are awarded here! The location Porto Pollo...