Outside the frame – the PEAK

Outside the frame – the PEAK

The first harbingers of winter have already arrived in the northern hemisphere. Short days and inclement weather. The fair weather kitesurfer does not connect much with the dark and cold seasons. The adventurous snowkiter, on the other hand, is preparing himself for...
Precautionary Recall FLYSURFER Control Bars

Precautionary Recall FLYSURFER Control Bars

Dear valued FLYSURFER customer,We have received some feedback from our FLYSURFER schools that after very intense use of the FORCE Bar and very heavy load can lead to breakage of the PU-Covered Depower Line (depower line). During the subsequent quality...
STOKE & FORCE Control Bar

STOKE & FORCE Control Bar

Feel the FORCE and get STOKED!  This summer FLYSURFER redefines itself with the ultimate well-rounded package for true rippers. Strictly developed by a team of passionate surfers, our new gear is built for only one purpose: To make your life more FUN! The...
PEAK4 … adventure awaits

PEAK4 … adventure awaits

Get ready for the winter season! FLYSURFER presents its latest Touring must haves: the brand new PEAK4 and CONNECT Control Bar. Our single-skin foilkite concept combines our passion for usability and security that will make your outdoor kite experience unforgettable....
INFINITY 3.0 Airstyle Clam-Cleat Bar

INFINITY 3.0 Airstyle Clam-Cleat Bar

The new FLYSURFER Infinity 3.0 Airstyle Clam-Cleat Control Bar is out now! It is built for 4-line kite models and offers a Front Line Safety you can depend on. When releasing – via our certified Quick Release 3.0 – all the power is redirected to one single...
Infinity 3.0 Racebar-Pro QR3.0 Upgrade Offer

Infinity 3.0 Racebar-Pro QR3.0 Upgrade Offer

Our already introduced Quick Release 3.0 which comes standard on the Airstyle Bar, is now also available for the Infinity 3.0 Racebar-Pro 50 & 60 cm. It is a re-development of the proven Quick Release 2.0. You can find more information here. We want to offer our...