The FLYSURFER Demo Tour continued at the German & Dutch North Sea. The Austrian team hosted a demo in Podersdorf, then travelled further to Italy, Lago di Resia and we continued at the Meltemi Kite Club in Rhodes, Greece. Starting in July in Schellinkhout, the team travelled with the FLYSURFER demo truck along the coast to different stops: Kijkduin, Hoorn, Salzhaff, Wittow, Rügen and  we opened our first FS pro center with our friends from Nordsee Academy in Schillig.

For those who didn’t know: we are hosting our Pop Up Demo Tour through the whole summer. Depending on the wind forecast and weather conditions, our crew decides a few days ahead where they are heading next. To not miss anything, we have created different channels for you to inform yourself about our next stops and to get live details about the current location.

You can follow our demo tour on Instagram, Facebook and you find all of our upcoming tour stops listed on our official FLYSURFER webpage, which we always keep up-to-date. To make it as easy as possible for you to find a demo day near you.

We would be pleased to see you and have you test our latest gear at one of our next stops!
SONIC, SOUL, STOKE, BOOST, RADICAL, RUSH, VIRON or PEAK- our team: Tom, Michi, Eike, Julian, Thomas and Heinke are ready for you! 

Due to the current situation we would like to ask you to look out for each other and to pay attention to our safety standards, which you’ll find at the demo counter at each stop.

Our upcoming Pop Up Demo Tour stops are the following:

22.8. – 23.8. Silvaplana, Switzerland
28.8. – 30.8. Podersdorf, Austria



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