As a kitesurf company we are keeping a close eye on developments regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and follow the respective guidelines.

It goes without saying that the health of our customers and our employees comes first.

A part of our employees (will) work from home, but the majority works from our headquarters in Marquartstein, subject to the usual precautionary measures.

We are currently facing extraordinary circumstances, but we are focusing on the positive aspects of our business. In the following weeks our supply chain will work continuously with the appropriate health measures taken.

Shipping and processing of orders is guaranteed. In case of any unusual delays we thank you for your sympathy and patience.

This is our first big 2020 challenge – but we won’t stop inspiring and motivating you. We are in this TOGETHER and we all have the power to get through this. We will keep posting inspiring content and also soon introduce you to our new riders and products.

We will keep on delivering all the cool stuff just in time for when the summer season is finally ready to kick off.

But for now what can be done?

  1. First of all please follow the guidelines of your governments regarding health & act responsibly.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Limit your social contacts.
  4. Work from home, if possible.
  5. Avoid handshakes – use the „SHAKA“ as hello or goodbye.
  6. Trim your kites.
  7. Clean your van.
  8. Do home workouts, to be fit for your next session.
  9. Facetime with your parents, grandparents and friends, don’t meet them in person.
  10. #staysafe and, most importantly, # staypositive everyone & don’t forget to share the stoke from home.

Yours faithfully,



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