The SONIC2 closed-cell foilkite has been on the market for over a year and it is still leading the pack in terms of low wind performance for airstyle, hydrofoil and lightwind riding.

This high-performance wing perfectly embodies the FLYSURFER DNA; its strengths are extreme jumps with long hangtime, precise control for hydrofoiling and an excellent kite response for use in lightwind conditions. Irresistible and packed with innovative technologies, the SONIC2 has a presence you just can’t ignore. This is a kite for pure enjoymen, brilliant and well-thought-out. It is the perfect balance between dynamics and high efficiency.

Our exclusive Lotus kite cloth, well known for its air tightness, extremely light weight and its water/stain repellent characteristics is used for the topsail and leading edge of these kites. Since we received some customer request for a “lighter” SONIC2 graphic design, we have decided to bring you this super exclusive Limited Edition SONIC2 in white/blue/orange and black. The white Lotus topsail on these limited edition kites let the light shine through the canopy creating an amazing “see-through” inside the skeleton of the kite itself.

Please contact your trusted local FLYSURFER partner for details on availability.

Rider: Reinhold Gehrer
Photo: GehrART

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