Everyday is a kite day – this motto was proven in a stunning way by our marketing ambassadors Anke Brandt and Frank Lufinha using our new STOKE kites. In nine days, the two travelled an incredible 1,646 km by kiteboard.

The duo started off from Ponta Delgada in the Azores on the 4th of September, and first set foot on land again on the 13th of September. They achieved this huge distance by rotating and resting in alternating eight-hour shifts. By using this technique, it meant that they kited continuous by day and night. Never before has such a distance been covered by two kite surfers in such a time.

We are proud that we could support these two athletes with this monumental challenge, and are thrilled that they reached their destination well and healthy.

Respect for this performance, and congrats on the new world record!

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