FLYSURFER Kiteboarding is stoked to win the IKSURFMAG Reader Awards – Best Kitesurfing Video of 2016!


“The Best Video Award seems to get bigger every year, this year we had a record number of nominations from the judges; with so much more content out there it is getting tougher to make a final selection. The voting was very close too, in the end, it came down to just a hundred or so votes between Aaron Hadlow and Laci Kubolsky’s Reflection and the winning video, Best of Airstyle Kiteboarding from Lukas Vogeltanz. In the end, it seems the readers loved the crazy old school moves being thrown down by Lukash, and after years where arguably cinematography has won over pure kitesurfing action, it is great to see a movie filled with unbelievable tricks taking the win. Well done Lukash on taking the Best Video award for 2016!”


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