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SPEED5 18.0 & 21.0 King of light wind – Test Gleiten.tv | Flysurfer Kiteboarding New

German’s Gleiten.tv, valued highly because of there thorough testing, objectivity and passion for details, did a review on our all-new SPEED5 in the bigger light wind sizes. The ultimate all-rounder? Can that be possible? You want to get to know more about the SPEED5 and what it can offer you in light winds as a kiter? Then check out the great video from Gleiten.tv….

Lightwind kites are not just large kites with a tractor like pull and high counter forces. Nowadays these kites and their sizes are specialized in different areas, for example Freestyle, Freeride, Race, and Hydrofoil. As Uwe Schörder from Gleiten.tv-Team says.

Everyday is a kiteday … especially in light winds – FLYSURFER winds ;)

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