From now on, there is a cooperation between the German Maritime Search and Rescue Association (GMSRA) and FLYSURFER Kiteboarding. Each newly delivered FLYSURFER kite in Germany will be accompanied with a weatherproof identification sticker of the German Sea Rescue Service, on which personal details of the kite-owner and a further contact person can be entered.

If a kite gets found out at sea, the owner or his contact person can immediately be contacted to clarify the situation. This creates a win-win situation: The Sea Rescue Service saves time and money, if the certainty exists that the rider is on safe shore. And the kitesurfer can get his/her kite back after recovery. This cooperation is supported by the Association of German Watersports Schools (VDWS).


Surfers and kitersurfers can order this practical sticker for free, for their personal use at the Sea Rescue Service by an e-mail to Please don´t forget to include your postal address.

By the way: If you lost your material and are back safe on land, you do not necessarily have to wait for a phone-call. Just call the DISTRESS LINE +49 (0) 421 53 68 70 and describe your lost gear. A ³Lost & Found² list is pro-actively being updated.  Safety First – stay safe!

Alerting the Bremen Rescue emergency: +49 (0) 421 53 68 70

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