As you might know, we have just introduced our new Infinity Quick Release 3.0 to our Infinity 3.0 Airstyle Bar. It is a re-development of the proven Quick Release 2.0.

You can find more information here. We want to offer our loyal customers a special upgrade offer who want to do this QR2.0 to QR3.0 conversion on their Infinity 3.0 Airstyle bar 50 & 60 cm under the following conditions:

Promotion period: Until 7th of June 2016
Applies to: 
Infinity 3.0 Airstyle Bar Setup 50 & 60 cm
Proof of purchase or proof of related Bar Setup
Recommended Retail Price (with 19% vat):
 99,90 EUR
Special Upgrade Price (with 19% vat): 74,90 EUR


For an order, please contact your trusted FLYSURFER dealer or contact us directly, through email – with your contact details, as well as the proof of purchase. Please note, increased demand may lead to supply shortages. In this case, we will deliver your order as soon as we received additional deliveries.

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