We proudly present you the Infinity Quick Release 3.0, an upgrade of our proven Quick Release 2.0 which many loved because of its easy and infinite un-swivel function. Enabling a fully spinning and automatic untwisting safety system, by just shortly pulling in the bar. But this was not enough for us, with our All Terrain kite vision, we still saw room for more improvement. With a revised chicken dick and a more solid, ergonomic release handle with excellent release forces (approved under the French safety norm), allowing for a quick and easy release, while re-assembling remains fast and easy, to get you up and kiting again as soon as possible!



Infinity Quick Release 3.0 Features:

  • Longer release lever and triggering pin, so more travel for a release → higher protection against accidental releases
  • Quick release sleeve and body are closely spaced to each other → possible to visually check if the quick release is closed properly
  • Improved fixation of the rubber bungees → activation forces are even more precisely defined
  • Black Chicken loop → No yellow UV fading over time anymore, no dirt visible inside the quick release
  • New flexible Chicken Dick → unbreakable, even under extreme cold still super flexible
  • Chicken dick without hard parts → no more possible injuries and no losing of the chicken stick anymore
  • New bracket for depower line → nicer appearance since the depower rope is embedded into the holder in the quick

From now on the Infinity Quick Release 3.0 is integrated as the standard chicken loop/quick release on our Airstyle Control Bar setups (50-60cm). Our Race Bar PRO control bar setups (50-60cm), continue to be equipped with the Infinity Quick Release 2.0


Last, but not least, a safety reminder:
All riders should attach their safety leash to the stainless steel ring, which activates the Front Line Safety (FLS) on our kites. By doing this, when the quick release is activated in an emergency situation, the kite will flag out and fall to the ground with hardly any remaining pull.

Always check that lines are clear off all working safety systems, do a quick release activation check before each session and make sure your safety leash is connected properly.
We wish you many safe and epic session on water, land or snow!

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