Last weekend Krynica Morska was the snowkite epi-center of north Poland. Together with a great testival on the lake there was a big snowkite contest, called ICE WEEK. With over 100 kites on the ice over the weekend and winds around 10 knots, conditions were perfect for big kites: 12-21m2

Our Polish FLYSURFER importer Andrzej Stawicki ( won all the races on his Sonic-FR 15m. 3rd was Stephane Bonnefoux also on a Sonic-FR 15m. The snowboard class was dominated by Dominik Mytkowski and Michał Momot, both on Flysurfer kites. General results:

Grand Prix Snowkite Tour (ski)

  1. Andrzej Stawicki – FLYSURFER
  2. Andrzej Kaźmierczak
  3. Stephane Bonnefoux – FLYSURFER

Grand Prix Snowkite Tour (snowboard)

  1. Dominik Mytkowski – FLYSURFER
  2. Michał Momot – FLYSURFER
  3. Paweł Pękała

For impressions check out this video: click here to watch

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